On the other hand, barriers more commonly discussed in the litera

On the other hand, barriers more commonly discussed in the literature were: the lack of data on hepatitis A disease, cost-effectiveness and other economic data, combination vaccines for hepatitis A, and the potential for safety and effectiveness data of the vaccine to facilitate decision making. Immunization budget or price of the vaccine, and outbreaks of hepatitis A were the only factors consistently discussed by both sources. Our analysis identified gaps between the published literature and what key stakeholders believe about epidemiologic data, economic data and barriers Adriamycin mw and facilitators of vaccine adoption for hepatitis A in six countries. The results of this

study highlight several areas in which having data from both the literature review and stakeholder interviews provided additional insights into the factors driving policy decisions for the hepatitis A vaccine.

Regarding the evidence in support of an epidemiologic transition for hepatitis A seroprevalence, we found that most often the stakeholders were aware of the existing data or that very little data existed. However, in Chile and Russia, stakeholders believed the data to be more supportive of their positions or more solid than the literature could document. This discrepancy between the belief in existing data and what was found suggest a decline in investment in data collection or priority of hepatitis A, perhaps due to a reliance on improvements in hygiene and sanitation. The lack of solid data on current seroprevalence rates underscores the potential for outbreaks and a lingering Venetoclax cost threat of hepatitis A. In India and Mexico, although there was recognition that data were lacking, there were a surprisingly small number of seroprevalence studies

despite the size of these countries. Our findings of limited economic data were consistent between the literature and the interviews. However, investigation into the four economic models identified areas in which current economic modeling falls short in meeting the needs of policy makers and in utilizing the best and most relevant data for supporting country specific decision the making. Our review suggests the need for additional investment in economic analyses using country specific data. Finally, comparison of the barriers and drivers of hepatitis A vaccine adoption noted several differences in factors emphasized by the literature and stakeholders. For example, political will and prioritization of vaccines were barriers rarely mentioned in the literature. These data clearly demonstrate that neither source alone would have provided the complete picture of relevant factors. Despite the benefits of using two separate methods for assessing hepatitis A vaccine policy decision making, our results are limited by the search strategies for the literature review and the sampling frame for interviews.

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