Hand hygiene with the use of an alcohol-based hand rub has become a key infection click here control measure. We have further promoted hand hygiene by introducing a concept of directly-observed hand hygiene and electronic monitoring of compliance (Cheng et al., 2011a and Cheng et al., 2007b), resulting
in better control of endemic and sporadic pathogens in the hospital (Cheng et al., 2010a and Cheng et al., 2009c). The concept of extensive contact tracing during the SARS outbreak has been harnessed for the control of multiple drug-resistant organisms which are not yet endemic in our healthcare setting (Cheng et al., 2009b and Cheng et al., 2012a). Ten years after the SARS outbreak, our healthcare system is better prepared for the new challenges posed by known and unknown emerging pathogens. “
“Some signs and symptoms in human subjects that may be tentatively associated with neurological involvement or that are clearly associated with West Nile neurological disease (WNND) can also be observed in mice or hamsters (Table 1), the two rodent species AT13387 suitable for WNV investigations. These rodent models have been valuable for understanding the mechanisms of neurological signs and symptoms in human subjects and how they might be managed or treated. Most human WNV cases are subclinical,
or develop a short-term febrile illness, which is referred to as WN fever (Bode et al., 2006, Hayes et al., 2005 and Sejvar, 2007). Fever is often recognized to occur during viremia, but fever is also associated with generalized inflammation of the meninges. Interestingly, WNV-infected hamsters monitored continuously with radiotelemetry do not have a fever during
the Loperamide viremic phase, but can have a temperature spike at days 5–6 when viral induced meningitis is observed (Siddharthan et al., 2009 and Wang et al., 2013a) (Table 1). These data suggest that WN fever in some cases might reflect neurological involvement, and not just the viremic phase. Having an animal model for WNV fever might provide an opportunity to investigate the cause of WNV-induced fever and the neurological implications in human subjects. A small subset of WNV patients develops more serious neurologic deficits (Table 1). Patients can present with meningitis symptoms, which include neck stiffness and light sensitivity (Bouffard et al., 2004, Omalu et al., 2003, Sampson et al., 2000, Sejvar et al., 2003a, Steele et al., 2000 and Weiss et al., 2001). Inflammation of the meninges can be observed in the rodent models (Ben-Nathan et al., 1995, Camenga et al., 1974 and Hunsperger and Roehrig, 2006), which suggests that they also get disease signs of meningitis, but efforts to observe these signs have not been undertaken, except for perhaps the detection of fever associated with CNS infection as described above (Wang et al., 2013a). Encephalitis as an infection of the brain is a more serious development of WNND (Table 1).