5 To increase knowledge in generalb 5 Participant would use the

5. To increase knowledge in generalb 5. Participant would use the test to increase knowledge in general  6. Selection of education or work typeb 6. Participant would use the test result as advice in their choice of education or type of work. Test content  1. Test messagea 7. Participant would use the test if the results contain clear and useful statements on personal HE susceptibility

and tailored advice on possible preventive measures (from advice on the type and price of effective skin products Selleckchem VS-4718 and gloves to advice on strategies to reduce exposure at work).  2. Low test effortb 8. Participant would use the test because it takes no effort: a buccal swab is easy, fast CA4P purchase and not painful. Feelings and emotions  1. Curiositya 1. Participant would use the test just out of curiosity about their personal HE susceptibility  2. Feara 2. Participant would not use the test because they fear their personal HE susceptibility  3. “Need” to know personal HE riska 3. Participant would use the test because they feel a need to know their personal HE susceptibility  4. (In)security

about developing HEb 4. Participant would use the test because he/she thinks that a test result would give a feeling of security, or as a confirmation of his/her own suspicions about susceptibility. Participant would not take the test if he/she thinks that

it would only give rise to feelings of insecurity about if and when HE will develop (especially with a positive test result) Involvement with HE  1. Interest CYTH4 in genetic diseases in generala 1. Participant would use the test because he/she has an interest in genetics, genetic diseases or genetic testing in general.  2. Have HEa 2. Participant would use the test because he/she has HE now or has had it in the past and consequently knows how unpleasant HE can be.  3. Have acquaintance with HEa 3. Participant would use the test because he/she has an acquaintance with HE and knows how unpleasant HE can be.  4. Professional involvementb 4. Participant would use the test because he/she works in health care. He/she is nurse and, therefore, feels acquainted with health innovations.  5. Only for contribution to scienceb 5. Participant would only use the test to contribute to science. He/she does not want to know their test results. Principles and beliefs  1. Religious beliefsa 1. Participant would not use the test because of his/her religious beliefs.  2. Principally in favour of or against genetic testinga 2. Participant would not use the test because he/she is principally against genetic testing: you should not interfere with selleck products nature.

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